
  • Good News Club® for grades K-5

    Good News Club® is a Bible-centered club for children grades K-5 that meets on Thursday afternoons from 4:00-5:30 at First Baptist Church with a cooperating team from four different churches. Each week there is a Bible lesson, missionary story, Bible memory verse, snacks, games and prizes.

    Junior Church

    Junior Church is an alternative for children too old for the nursery and too young to stay in the sanctuary worship service. They leave the worship service before the pastor's sermon to have their own Bible lesson and activity time together.

  • Four weekly Bible studies are offered each week.

    1. The Ladies' Bible Study meets on Wednesday mornings from 10:00-11:00. It is led by the pastor and usually focuses on studying a book of the Bible.

    2. The Men's Bible Study meets Thursday mornings from 11:00-12:00. It also focuses on studying a book of the Bible and is led by the pastor.

    3. The Mixed Group Bible Study meets Wednesday evenings from 6:00-7:00, is led by the pastor and usually focuses on studying a book of the Bible, although it is sometimes topical.

    4. Daily (Monday through Friday) Online Devotions help get your day started right. Pastor Mark shares a light-hearted joke, prayer, and a brief devotional thought from Scripture live on the First Baptist Church of Houlton Facebook page at 6:50 am. Past devotions are archived on our page.

  • Sunday morning worship

    Our Sunday morning worship service is streamed live on our First Baptist Church of Houlton Facebook page at 10:00 am. It is archived to be watched later for those who can't tune in live. During the COVID pandemic, we are also broadcasting a radio signal (1630 AM) to our parking lot for those who do not wish to enter the building.

    Nursery: A large nursery is available for those who have infants and toddlers or need to retire there during the service.

    Choir: A volunteer choir is led by our pianist and music director.

    Handbell choir: We have a 3-octave handbell choir that performs a selection on a monthly basis.

  • Operation Christmas Child®

    We participate each year in Operation Christmas Child, a world-wide project of Samaritan's Purse® Ministries. It is a project that sends shoeboxes packed with school supplies, hygiene items, clothing, small toys and gifts, and a Gospel message for children all over the world for Christmas. At First Baptist Church, we collect items throughout the year and have a "packing party" in November to prepare the shoeboxes for distribution.

    Monthly giving to local food banks

    Once a month we celebrate "Sacrifice Sunday" where we encourage our folks to bring in non-perishable food items to give to local food banks and food distribution missions.

    Pregnancy Care Center

    Pregnancy Care Center is a local organization that offers support, supplies, and emotional and spiritual counseling for women considering abortion or who find themselves in an unexpected pregnancy. We participate in their main fundraising event each year.

  • Four times throughout the year we participate in special offerings sponsored by American Baptist Churches, USA.

    In January, we give to the "Retired Ministers and Missionaries Offering," which helps the Lord's servants who have retired from ministry and find themselves in crisis.

    In March, we campaign for the "America for Christ Offering," which helps address domestic needs in the US usually associated with natural disasters.

    In June, we take up the "One Great Hour of Sharing Offering" meant to be used for special missionary and relief projects around the world.

    In October, we focus on the "World Missions Offering," which supports the needs of foreign American Baptist missionaries and their ministries.

  • American Baptist Women’s (ABW) missionary society

    The ABW group has a heart for missions. They develop and sponsor projects designed to raise money for support and relief for missionary families across the globe. Our ABW group currently supports three families, as well as providing Bible camp scholarships as the need arises.

    Echoes of Mercy Ministry

    Echoes of Mercy Ministry is an outreach program designed to show love and care for our elderly, those who remain shut-in, and those with special needs through monthly visits and providing small gift bags (“Whispers of love”) as a reminder that they have not been forgotten and that they are indeed loved.